Wednesday, October 9, 2024
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Part of Newbury’s Station Road to be closed to vehicles

Station Road in Newbury will be closed to all vehicles between Bartholomew Street and Link Road from Wednesday 26th August 2020.

West Berkshire Council says that “the closure is necessary to facilitate and promote active travel within Newbury”.

The measure will be enforced by signs, bollards and large planters placed on the carriageway.

The Council say that they will closely monitor the scheme. If they think it is successful, it could be made permanent after 16 months.

This part of the road will still be open for pedestrians and cyclists.

Here is a map of the closure – click on it for more details of the closure:

Please click on the link below for details on how to contact West Berkshire Council:

West Berkshire Council

You can report problems with roads, streetlights, overgrown vegetation and other things online. All enquiries are handled according to our Customer Contact Standards [198kb]. For out-of-hours emergencies regarding social care for adults and children or homelessness please contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01344 786543.