Sunday, January 26, 2025
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Short break carers needed to help local families

West Berkshire Fostering and Disabled Children’s Team are currently seeking new carers who can offer Short Breaks to families of children with either physical disabilities, learning difficulties or mental health needs.  If you have experience in medical or caring role, are compassionate, patient and wish to develop your skills, you could make a great Short Breaks carer!  Your time could allow parents of these young people a well-earned rest while you take care of their loved one. 

Hear from our carers Abi and Tim about why Short Breaks works for them and their family:

“As a young family we felt able and willing to support other families and children in our local community in need of some much needed respite. As a couple we are passionate about offering a safe, loving home from home to others and feel that short breaks is a valuable experience not only for those we care for but for our own children as well. We are able to fit the care we offer around our jobs and family commitments and have welcomed many different children in to our home, which is always fun and rewarding. “

If you feel you could take on a new challenge like Short Breaks, please get in touch with the Family Placement Team on 01633 503155 or [email protected] to speak to their dedicated recruitment social worker.  Your call may #writethenextchapter for children in care in West Berkshire. 

Alternatively, visit the team’s website:

Click below to hear an interview about Short break caring. Kennet Radio’s Lucie talkes with Keith Langley, Family Placement team manager at West Berkshire Council, Ian Herity, a social worker and Tim Reeves, who is a short break carer: