Saturday, February 8, 2025
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Severe cold weather alert extended until Friday

West Berkshire Council have announced that the “level 2” cold weather alert has now been extended until 09:00 on Friday 8th January.

They have asked local organisations and charities to ensure that cold weather plans are in place and that their staff are aware of the actions they will take should the alert level move to “level 3”.

The immediate weather outlook for the South East is:

There is a 70% probability of severe cold weather / icy conditions between 0900 on Monday 04 Jan and 0900 on Friday 08 Jan in South East. Cold, frosty nights expected along with showers, bringing a significant risk of icy conditions. Showers are likely to be wintry at times, though mainly over high ground. Becoming very cold later in the week.

Age UK advise:

Severe cold weather can be dangerous, especially for the very young or very old or those with chronic disease. Advice on how to reduce the risk either for yourself or somebody you know can be obtained from the winter health pages at NHS Choices ( or from your local chemist. If you are worried about your health or that of somebody you know, ring NHS 111.

You can read Age UK’s full winter weather advice here.

The Government’s Cold Weather Plan for England is available to read here.


Icicle image by slgckgc Flickr CCL