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Local Wildlife Photography Competition relaunches with new categories and prizes

NATURE lovers of all ages are invited to enter the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) 2022 photography competition.

Anyone from a six-year-old with a camera phone to a seasoned professional can enter the contest which this year has six new categories, including a ‘Team Wilder’ section to celebrate communities doing great work for nature.

Top prizes include a Panasonic digital camera, an exclusive wildlife photography workshop and the chance to have your photo featured in the BBOWT magazine. All winners will have their photo featured in the Trust’s 2023 calendar.

Rachel Levis, BBOWT’s Head of Events, who is overseeing the competition, said:

“We are so excited to be launching this competition again after a hiatus in 2020 and 2021. In previous years, we have seen an astonishing range of talented photographers submit photos from across our three counties, with subjects ranging from macrophotography of tiny grasshoppers to dramatic landscapes and artistic abstract shots.

“We would urge absolutely anyone who likes taking pictures, who loves nature and wildlife, or who has no experience at all but wants to try something new, to have a go. The brilliant thing about nature and wildlife photography is that the subjects are all so beautiful to start with, you don’t have to be a professional to capture a winning shot.”


All photographs must be taken on a BBOWT nature reserve, with the exception of this year’s new Team Wilder category, for which pictures can be taken anywhere.

  • Flora and Fauna – any plants or animals on a BBOWT nature reserve.
  • Nature Reserve Landscapes – taken on any BBOWT reserve capturing the beauty of a landscape or surroundings.
  • Team Wilder – People are stepping forward from every sector of society to lead change in their fields and we welcome businesses, schools, communities, and individuals as part of Team Wilder. If you’re taking action for nature, no matter how small, you’re already a part of #TeamWilder. Send us your photos and show us what you’re  doing to help nature.
  • People in Nature – someone in a beautiful location on one of BBOWT’s reserves.
  • Children’s category – for children aged 6-12. Photos can be on any of the themes in the adult categories above.
  • Teenagers category – for ages 13-19. Photos can be on any of the themes in the adult categories above.

The closing date for the Photography Competition is 8 September 2022.

For full details and to enter, go to