Sunday, February 23, 2025
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List of Newbury businesses that are open

Visit Newbury’s website has a comprehensive list of all of Newbury’s business which are open currently.

Under the heading “‘Tis the Season to shop locally” the page lists:

Essential retailers, who are allowed to open under the second lockdown rules. This includes food, hardware, pharmacy and newspaper shops. There is a list of around 30 retailers with their opening times and some website links.

Other retailers, who are allowed to operate delivery and lick & collect services. There are around 50 outlets here, with website links so that you can order online.

Hospitality outlets who are allowed to sell take-aways and do deliveries of their provisions. There are about 70 here with opening times and links to websites.

Services – there are a variety of 60 businesses here, most of which are open normally. There are opening times and website links listed.

You can read the full lists here on the Visit Newbury website.