Monday, January 13, 2025
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Flood risk in West Berkshire – key information sources

On this morning’s Kennet Radio Breakfast Show, Councillor Stuart Gourley talked about flood protection in West Berkshire. Councillor Gourley is the Council’s Executive Portfolio Holder: Climate Action, Recycling and Biodiversity (responsible for flood protection). You can hear the full interview by clicking on the arrow below:


Here are the key information sources and contact names discussed in the interview:

West Berkshire Council – Preparing for Flooding website

National Flood Forum

Pang Valley Flood Forum

Lambourn Valley Flood Forum

East Garston Flood and Pollution Forum

Action for the River Kennet

West Berkshire Council leaflet – Flooding, Be Prepared 2016

Check for flooding – Government website for England

Key contacts:

The Environment Agency Floodline is on 0345 988 1188 or follow @EnvAgency and #floodaware on Twitter for the latest flood updates

Sign up for the latest flood warnings here.

The Government’s web page What to do in a flood

Email:  [email protected]

Telephone:  07939 499 376

The photo above of the River Kennet is by Gillie Rhodes from Flickr CCLLicence