Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Braving the shave for a good cause

Local runner Malcolm Hannington, who recently ran a half marathon to raise money for a local cancer charity is soon  to be embarking on his next fundraiser, Brave the Shave, to raise funds for Thatcham Cancer Support Group.

After letting his locks grow during lockdown, Malc is planning to have them shorn on 11th August at George Frederick Barbers Shop at high noon.

Malcolm said of his latest venture:

Alongside a cancer diagnosis comes treatment. Chemotherapy, among other side effects, can cause hair loss. For a lot of people their hair can be their pride and joy, and it certainly was for my Josie. The heartbreak of brushing your hair in the morning to discover that you are losing large clumps is indescribable. That’s why I have decided to shave off all of my hair to raise money for Thatcham Cancer Support Group in memory of my late wife, Josie. Josie enjoyed attending the support group, where she made friends and talked through her problems with other people experiencing the same troubles. As well as this, the group also provided Josie with uplifting pamper sessions, a wonderful canal trip, and a lovely Christmas dinner.

Thatcham Cancer Support Group meet every Thursday at Thatcham Parish hall from 10:30am – 12pm, and will meet again once lockdown is lifted. This incredible group was set up by Aileen and Jane just over a year ago, and has brought no end of comfort to many cancer sufferers in the area. Anyone can come along for a cuppa and a chat. You can discuss problems, or just sit and listen, no questions asked, and once you find yourself comfortable enough, you will learn that laughing together is the key to accepting and healing.

Steve Prout from Kennet Radio met up with the group a few weeks ago and said:

What came across was the good humour and the genuine friendliness of the group. They expect nothing more from you than your attendance, if you want to speak you can, if you want to sit and listen you can. They don’t talk at you, they don’t all sit around in a circle, it’s a casual, friendship sort of thing. Having been through it myself 10 years ago, I fully appreciate that sometimes it’s the partners or carers that can get forgotten during the treatment, this group is also there to support these key people too.

Malc will Brave the Shave at noon on Tuesday 11th August at George Frederick Barbers Shop in the High Street Thatcham.

To donate, please go to: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/malcolms-lockdown-haircut