Sunday, October 27, 2024
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Council sends out leaflet in case of local Covid-19 outbreak

West Berkshire Council is sending all local residents a plan in the event of a local outbreak of Covid-19.

The Council says that there is a risk that an outbreak may happen in West Berkshire. The UK Government has directed them to prepare a COVID-19 Local Outbreak Control Plan. This outlines how a local outbreak and any future restrictions would be managed.

The leaflet is also available online and in Hindi, Polish, Portuguese and Urdu.

You can read the plan by following the link below:

Local Outbreak Control Plan (LOCP)

As part of the next stage of the national response to the Covid-19 pandemic, local authorities have to develop Local Outbreak Control Plans (LOCP) to prevent and control local outbreaks of the virus. We have worked with partners to publish our LOCP.

The best way to keep up-to-date on the local situation is to sign up for the council’s Covid-19 e-bulletin here.