Thursday, March 13, 2025

WBC unveils new playing pitch strategy

A new strategy focused on developing sports pitches across the district will be considered by West Berkshire Council’s Executive Committee  on Thursday 13 February.

According to a press release from West Berkshire Council today, it has been working with Sport England and local sporting bodies to develop a document which it says will guide the investment, development and improvement of playing pitches over the next ten years.

The document, titled The West Berkshire Playing Pitch Strategy covers hockey, cricket and rugby as well as football.  It will be introduced by Councillor Rick Jones, Executive Member for Public Health and Community Wellbeing.

This is an important document which gives us a good insight into the capacity and quality of outdoor sports pitches in West Berkshire. It’s been drawn up in partnership with local sporting organisations and following input from local clubs who have been given the chance to have their say.

  • Cllr Rick Jones, WBC Executive Member for Public Health & Community Wellbeing.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Councillor Jones described the document as “an excellent starting point to help us promote and continuously improve [our] local playing pitches” and claims that it will help “support local high profile clubs with the most appropriate facilities“.

He noted that the demand for playing facilities is strong in West Berkshire, and added, “we intend to work with local sporting authorities and clubs, in partnership, to meet that demand.”

The Council has appointed consultants 4global Consulting to look at options for new football facility to permanently home the high performing teams such as Newbury Football Club and Newbury Ladies, as well as making the venue available to community sports.