Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Town Council supports Greenham Youth project

Newbury Town Council has given £2,500 to the Community Youth Project. The contribution was made through The Good Exchange and will attract match funding from The Greenham Trust.

The Community Youth Project is located in the heart of the Nightingales at the Greenham Community Centre and is accessed by young people from Greenham and surrounding areas. They deliver youth clubs during term times after school and various activities and off-site trips during the school holidays. This provides young people with the time and space to make friends, learn in new ways and develop their talents through participating as Young Leaders and active citizens within the community. Their programmes provide young people with information, projects and activities, giving them the opportunity of taking part in adventurous activities, workshops and decision making.

Cllr Martin Colston, Leader of the Council, said “It is a priority of this Council to support the youth in our town and we have provided this funding to help this very worthwhile youth facility to thrive within its communities. The Community Youth project provides very valuable support to the youth in the Greenham and surrounding areas, and we are delighted to be able to contribute towards their work. We would also like to thank Greenham Trust who will match our contribution, meaning that the Project will receive almost £5,000 as a result.”

Claire Austin, Youth Worker Project Manager at the Community Youth Project said, “Community Youth Project (CYP) provide vital support to young people within Greenham and surrounding areas who access our provision.

CYP offers various youth clubs to all young people and provide an array of activities to young people who may not have the opportunity to access particular activities elsewhere. We aim to ensure that all our activities, trips and access to our youth clubs are at no costs; to support those in need and reduce economic and social segregation. Since the pandemic, the demand for our service has doubled, resulting in the opening of more youth clubs and the expanding of our catchment area. CYP has also introduced free meals during all our sessions to promote healthy eating and to safeguard our young people. During the summer holidays, we provided 515 spaces on our activities and trips; and CYP were overwhelmed with the turnout of families from around our area.

CYP welcomed 160 attendees to our family fun day during the summer holidays, which will now be an annual event. We are extremely grateful for all the support and funding we receive to deliver this great work.”

In the photograph above are (left to right): Claire Austin, Youth Worker Project Manager, Matthew Wonnacott, Assistant Youth Worker, Hugh Peacocke, CEO Newbury Town Council and Mayor of Newbury, Cllr Billy Drummond.