Monday, March 31, 2025

Road markings that thank NHS staff and carers

West Berkshire Council has provided a special ‘thank you’ to the dedicated NHS staff and carers working across the district during the coronavirus pandemic.

The road markings were installed today directly outside the West Berkshire Community Hospital in Thatcham.

The message reads THANK YOU NHS AND CARERS with the NHS logo in the middle of a colourful rainbow heart.

The Council teamed up with its road markings contractors VolkerHighways and Bellstan to provide the thank you message on the eastbound A4.

VolkerHighways and Bellstan generously provided the messaging free of charge, and the road markings were installed while the contractors carried out essential maintenance work in the local area.

The thank you extends to all care home staff, key workers and frontline staff who have been instrumental in keeping essential services going for West Berkshire’s residents since the coronavirus pandemic began, including those redeployed to unfamiliar roles to ensure continuity.

Steve McManus, Chief Executive of the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust said: “This is the second such show of support for our hard working teams across the Trust, a rainbow and message of support was put on the roads outside the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading last week.  They are a real boost for all our staff to see these lovely message of gratitude as they start and finish their shifts.

We’ve been overwhelmed by the many ways the local community has rallied round to support us all during the covornavirus outbreak, from donations of food and laundry bags, to the weekly clapping for carers.  This eye catching message on the doorstep at the West Berkshire Community Hospital is a reminder to everyone of the fantastic work being done, not just inside the hospital but by carers and key workers across our community.

Both West Berkshire Council and the Royal Berkshire Hospital reiterated that residents can help the fight against Covid-19 through social distancing. 

Stay at home, protect the NHS, and save lives.