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Newbury Velo cyclist plans cross-England trip in memory of his mother

On last Friday’s Kennet Radio Breakfast, Shaun Ward from Newbury Velo cycling club chatted with host, Paul Walter. 

Shaun is seeking sponsorship for a 205 mile bike trip across England in June. There’s a catch – he has to complete the ride during the hours of daylight on June 19th.

Shaun is doing all this in memory of his mother and to raise funds for Blood Cancer UK.

Shaun says:

I am taking part in a 205 mile cycle from Minster on the Isle of Sheepy to Burnham-on-Sea on 19th June this year in memory of my mother. The start time will be at sunrise and I will have to complete the course before sunset.  The reason I am doing this and feeling passionate about this one event, more than any other cycling or Triathlon events I have taken part in, is:

My mother had been battling Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma for 7 years but had started with a rapid decline since I last saw her back January 2020.  2020 had been a tough year as I was unable to see her knowing she was deteriorating rapidly.  She tried a number different treatments and each of them failed and caused further medical issues, one the tried treatments had killed her kidneys so she had to undertake dialysis daily.

During 2020 her Cancer had passed from her white blood cells to her bone marrow, Covid-19 prevented her being able to take part in an experimental treatment which was all so the last hope to try and control this disease.  Unfortunately she passed on December 18th 2020 from Covid-19 & renal failure.

I want to raise as much money as possible for Blood Cancer UK to try and find a lasting cure for this disease.  If you feel you want to support me or Blood Cancer UK please use the link below: 

You can listen Shaun talking about his ride and his remarkable journey to fitness through Newbury Velo by clicking below and sliding to 1:59:00:

Fantastic Friday Feeling Breakfast Show – 12th March 2021

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