Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Newbury Town Council throws weight behind Primark proposal

Newbury Town Council’s Planning and Highways Committee has thrown its weight behind a proposal to lobby the retail giant Primark, in an attempt to get them to set up shop in Newbury.

Addressing the committee and on-looking members of the public on 28 January, Cllr Evans explained that he had approached Primark as they represent a business that’s growing and investing in retail space.

He said: “I’m pleased to report that their response was not negative, with my request now sitting with their Store Development Department for due consideration.  We all know that retail is experiencing a tough time, as we see with the number of applications to convert retail space into housing in my [Victoria] Ward; but Primark is bucking this trend. Posting a rise in sales and profits, and investing in retail space – as opposed to consolidating, or moving online like so many others.”

Cllr Evans continued by asking the Committee to support these advances and to write directly to Primark offering to facilitate, where possible, the establishment of a new store here in Newbury, boosting footfall and inward investment.