Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Newbury Talks, Nanotechnology – Curse or Miracle

On Sunday 18 March, Dr Sophie Kain, comes to Newbury to talk about the science of Nanotechnology. In just the next 20 years, nanotech is going to touch every aspect of our lives, from the mundane to the mind boggling – cancerous cells killed one at a time, food that changes flavour to suit the individual, and even clothes that adapt their structure to the surrounding temperature.

Sophie Kain asks what fantastic advances have already been made possible by
nanotechnology, what will be possible within our lifetimes – and asks whether, without sufficient regulation in place, such a fast-moving technology might herald new perils. Could it harm our health? Could it allow ‘The Man’ to spy on anyone, even inside their bodies? Could there even be nano-tech war between nations?

Join us in the Balcony Bar of the Corn Exchange, Newbury on Sunday 18 March, 3-4pm to find out more about the possibilities offered by this cutting edge new science.