Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Market Street to be Closed for Over a Month

Market Street will be closed from 28th October (closing Sunday overnight on the 27th) until 29th November 2019 with a possible extension until 1st December. This is so that a new sewer can be laid to service the new development adjacent to the West Berkshire Council Offices.

The extent of this closure will be from the junction of Mayors Lane to the junction of the access road into the council offices (off the mini roundabout).

The excavations will continue into the WBC access road, following a direction along the west flank (Staff car park entrance) of the WBC building therefore vehicular access to the WBC building will be restricted during these works.

The diversion route (clockwise) This route for vehicular access to council offices, Kennet Centre car park etc. – Cheap St, Bear lane, A339 (southbound), St Johns Rd, Newtown Rd, Bartholomew St.

The diversion route (anti-clockwise) This route for vehicular access to Library, Bus station, Victoria Park etc. – Bartholomew St, Newtown Rd, A339 (northbound), Cheap St.

Please click here for the WBC transport disruption page on the revised bus routes during this closure (this is to be updated in the coming days)https://info.westberks.gov.uk/transportchanges

Access to Northbrook St  (via Bartholomew St)  will be subject current restrictions, – Closed (Bollards up) from 10am to 5pm.

Access to the Kennet Centre car park will be via the Newtown Road, Bartholomew St route only, entrance & exit from the car park will be a usual.

Access to the kennet Centre service ramp will be accessible 24/7

A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link)  Market Street Closure