Tuesday, April 1, 2025
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Information from our local animal wardens

On this morning’s Kennet Radio Breakfast show, Chris Boulton talked with two of our local Animal Wardens.

For more information on animal welfare, please go the local Public Protection Partnership (PPP) website for a wide range of information on the subject. Please click on the following link to do so:


The following UK government web page gives advice on getting your dog chipped and registering the chip:


In addition, here are some links to specific animal welfare information on that PPP website:

Lost or found dogs and other animals: https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/environmental-health/animal-warden/

Video on dog fouling https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/news-articles/animal-warden-video-dog-fouling/

Advice when looking for a new puppy https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/news-articles/looking-for-a-new-puppy-do-your-research/

Dangerous dogs https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/environmental-health/animal-warden/dangerous-dogs/

Dog barking pamphlet https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/media/1714/dog-_barking_18.pdf

List of all animal warden-related subjects on the PPP website https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/results/?query=animal+warden

Advice on keeping dogs under control on the lead https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/results/?query=animal+warden


Image above by Michael VH Flickr CCL