Saturday, February 8, 2025

Hop along to Newbury’s Giant Easter Bunny Hunt.

Hop along to Newbury’s ‘Giant Easter Bunny Hunt’ taking place between 4th – 14th April. The event brought to you by Visit Newbury in conjunction with Parkway, will take place around the town centre during the School Easter Holidays.  Entry forms can be collected from the workshop in Parkway, Rainbows of Newbury, the Kennet Centre or David Clulow Opticians.  Alternatively, simply download your form from the Visit Newbury website and then you’re set to go and hunt some bunnies!

These bunnies, beautifully decorated by local schools will be on display at the Artisan Market on 25th March and in Parkway on 31st March.  Members of the public are invited to vote for their favourite and the winning bunny (…and school!) will win a prize of £100!

Managing Director of Newbury BID Russell Downing said

“After the success of The Giant Easter Egg Hunt for the last couple of years we have decided to go for Giant Easter Bunnies instead this year, we’re thrilled to be working with Parkway to bring it back to Newbury again this year and hope the bunnies will be just as successful!”

All forms need to be posted in the collection boxes at either the Parkway workshop, the Kennet Centre or David Clulow Opticians by 5pm on Saturday 14th April or emailed to [email protected].