Saturday, January 25, 2025

Hambridge Road closure

Hambridge Road, Newbury, will be closed from the 16th November to 4th December 2020 between its junction with Arnhem Road and its junction with Boundary Road.

The alternative route for all vehicles affected is via (travelling westbound) Bone lane and Boundary Road.

For vehicles (except HGV) travelling eastbound the diversion is via Mill Lane, and Bone Lane.

The purpose for the closure is for Thames Water to lay a ‘Reinforcement Main’ along this section of carriageway.

Residential access will be maintained throughout and the diversion will be signed on site.

Access for emergency vehicles will be permitted.

All enquiries about this closure should be directed to the contractor, KCD, on 0788 447 4125

A plan of the closure can be found by clicking on the following link: