Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Greenham in Bloom – entries invited on special Community Facebook page

Greenham Parish Council is calling for residents, businesses, and visitors to share pictures and video-clips of Greenham’s gardens and wildlife on their Facebook page, Greenham in Bloom  https:/   

And it has set up a new, simplified way to upload photos. Following a trial run, contributors can now simply click and upload their sunny snaps and garden pin-ups, without any time-lag.

The Council is also inviting ideas for next year’s Greenham in Bloom, which will be considered by the full Greenham Parish Council. For instance, one idea is an art or photography competition for children and adults.

Greenham in Bloom was set up by Greenham Parish Council in February this year as a gardening competition for the local community. But because of the Covid-19 outbreak, plans had to be put on ice.

So, to keep Greenham in Bloom alive, the Council created the Community Facebook page, with fresh and varied photos of Greenham’s plants, natural world, landmarks, wildlife and even some gardeners.  Pictures include scenes from Greenham Common, Newbury College, and more.

What’s happening next year?

To upload your pictures, go to https:/   Or to find out more, contact the Clerk, Lisa Blake on [email protected]

Here are some pictures from the glorious Facebook page, https:/

All photos are by Philippa Harper.