Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Danceathon raises £760.00 for NHS Charity

On Wednesday (24th June) twelve children danced for 7 hours in what was called “Speenhamland School’s Best Bubble“. 

The twelve, who are all key worker children, came together to give something back and decided to raise funds for the NHS Together Charity.

Teacher, Adam Page said:

They really wanted to show their appreciation, we decided to set a realistic target of £150.00

As it turned out, by the day in question their Just Giving page had donations totalling £760.00

Adam Page said:

It was really tough on Wednesday but the kids did an amazing job, especially in the heat! We, as a school are really proud of them for wanting to do this and for completing the challenge.

Adam Page is a regular contributor to Kennet Radio Sport, where he coaches Newbury District PSFA, both him and the team have been interviewed in the studio discussing their footballing success in the past.