Saturday, February 22, 2025
Community UpdateEducationFamilyGreenhamNewburyNewsSliderWash Common

Building of new Newbury primary school completed

Building work has been completed for the brand-new Highwood Copse Primary School, next door to Newbury College in Monks Lane. Newbury.

Newbury College Academy Trust is committed to ensuring that this new school provides outstanding teaching, learning, leadership and governance to meet the needs of children in the local area. The purpose-built school for children aged 4 – 11, which stands in its own dedicated grounds on the College campus, opens in September 2021.

The first intake will be for children in the Reception class, who will be the founder members of the school and will be joined by each new cohort of children as the school gradually expands to its full capacity.

You can find out more about Highwood Copse Primary School, which will be welcoming its first Reception class (aged 4-5) intake in September 2021, at 


Image above is by eltpics Flickr CCL