Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Appeal launched for FA Vase winning captain

An appeal has been launched for FA Vase winning Thatcham captain Tom Melledew after he suffered a horrific accident on Tuesday (23rd June)

Tom was working on a roof when he fell 20ft onto the concrete floor beneath. 

The former Thatcham Town FC captain fractured his pelvis, chipped a bone in his back, broke two ribs and also punctured a lung.

His friend & former teammate Gareth Thomas was working with Tom, known by all as Mellers, at the time of the accident.

An air ambulance was called and arrived on the scene within 20 minutes.

Gareth wanted to do something to help his friend, so set up an appeal on Go Fund Me.

Gareth said:

If he can recover and play again it will be great, but first of all we must get him well again.

The initial goal was to raise £1,000, the appeal has since reached more than £5,800. 

It goes without saying that all at Kennet Radio are behind Mellers, who has since left Thatcham Town to play for Binfield FC.

Steve Prout, Producer of Kennet Radio Saturday Sport said:

Mellers was such a big part of the team at Thatcham Town, to have been able to lift the FA Vase trophy at Wembley must have been a massive high point in his playing career. We wish him a full & speedy recovery.

To make a donation, please visit: 

Our Leader, Legend, Mate organized by Gareth Thomas

Our Leader, Legend, mate, needs your help…On Tuesday about 11.30 am Mellers had an accident at work. He fell 20ft plus through a corrugated roof down on to concrete. He is currently in John Radcliffe hospital recovering. He had an operation yesterday on his elbow and hand, with pins and screws.