Saturday, February 8, 2025

Trees planted at Stroud Green

New trees will be bursting into life next spring thanks to the work of the Greener Greenham Group, who have planted more than twenty new trees on Stroud Green.

The planting event last Saturday also included volunteers from the Metro bank, Scouts, local residents, members from other groups, and two members from West Berkshire Council Countryside Management team. Another volunteer, Clive, also gave up his time over two days to create holes for every tree with an auger, a tool like a large corkscrew; previously digging a test hole had taken volunteers 45 minutes as the soil is very stony. 

West Berks Council provided the funding for the trees, compost, tree stakes and ties.

The leader of the group, Alison Blackborow said

“The day was very cold, windy with snow and rain, and yet around 32 volunteers turned up to plant all the trees. It was amazing and heart-warming to welcome so many people. Our group is very appreciative of everyone’s help and support; thank you so much… the visual impact will be great (hopefully) along with the difference it will make to our environment and wildlife. ” 

The Greener Greenham Group previously planted 8,500 bulbs at Stroud Green, creating a blaze of colour for the spring, see here for more details.

From A Blackborow to P harper 51221