Sunday, February 23, 2025
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15 ways to reconnect with nature

As we approach the third week of the national lockdown in England, polling for Friends of the Earth shows two in five (43 per cent) are not getting outside into nature as much as they did during the first lockdown, with just one in ten (13 per cent) claiming to be getting out more this Autumn.

Half (49 per cent) didn’t get out into any kind of green or open space during the entire first week of their most recent lockdown – with over a third (36 per cent) not getting out for exercise.

One in ten (11 per cent) said they didn’t leave their home at all for those first seven days.

Reasons being given for staying indoors include the weather, loss of motivation, busier work schedules and lack of inspiration on what to do outdoors.

Friends of the Earth has compiled a list of hints, tips and ideas to help people make the most of nature during the second lockdown.

These are designed to help everyone, from those surrounded by countryside to those living in the middle of a town, to make the most of the health and welfare benefits that come from nature.

There are also suggestions included to help people benefit from nature without having to leave their home.

Here is the Friends of the Earth’s list of things people can do to reconnect with nature:

1.      Identify the bird species migrating for autumn and winter

2.      Identify the nearest species of tree to your home, by looking at the bark or leaves

3.      Listen for owls calling at night, and find out which owl it is

4.      Watch an autumn sunrise/sunset

5.      Cloud gaze to see what shapes you can make out, and identify what type they are

6.      Put a bird feeder up where you can see the birds from your window

7.      Head down a local path you’ve ignored until now

8.      Prepare a packed lunch to eat outside instead of staying in

9.      Look for ‘faces in trees’, where the gnarly bark seems to form expressions

10.   See if you can find signs of animal tracks, like deer hoof-prints or birds’ footprints in muddy puddles

11.   Look for signs of insects becoming dormant for winter, like butterfly chrysalises

12.   Organise a scavenger hunt for your family and share the results on zoom if you’re distant. This can include nature items such as fallen leaves, twigs, rubbing from tree bark etc

13.   Get your children (or other young relatives) to make something out found natural objects. such as a nature wand or festive wreath

14.   Plant something such as tulip bulbs or a magnolia tree for a spring surprise. This could be in your garden, on your balcony, or your windowsill.

15.   Visit a wood and look for fungi on the forest floor (don’t eat them, though!)

On Radio Kennet’s Saturday Chatterday programme on November 28th, Guy Shrubsole from the Friends of the Earth will be talking to Paul Walter about these ideas.