Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Thatcham’s new Mayoral team

Councillor John Boyd was elected Mayor of Thatcham via zoom on Wednesday 5th May 2021 during the Annual Meeting of Thatcham Town Council. Councillor Boyd has served as Deputy Mayor to the retiring Mayor Councillor Mike Cole for the past 2 years as well as being Mayor back in 2012.

Mr Mayor has appointed his daughter, Kellie Boyd, as Mayoress and Revd David Taylor of Thatcham Baptist Church as his Chaplain.

Councillor Jeff Brooks was elected as Deputy Mayor, with his wife, Mrs Andrea Brooks as Deputy Mayoress.

Each year the Mayor names at least one organisation to be their charity for the year and donations are made to the fund at numerous Town Council events throughout the year. For the Civic year of 2021-22 Councillor Boyd has selected the Thatcham based children’s charity Swings & Smiles and also the community non-profit organisation Thatcham Town Cricket Club.

The retiring Mayor Mike Cole was invited at a later date to receive his Past Mayors badge in the grounds of Thatcham Town Cricket Club.

Councillor Boyd wishes to meet as many residents as possible during his tenure and so please feel welcome to speak to him at the Town Council events and if you’d like to invite him to one of your events please use the engagement form found here:

Our photo above shows Councillor John Boyd on the left and Councillor Jeff Brooks on the right.