Saturday, February 22, 2025

Small Business Saturday Bus Tour Coming to Newbury

Once again, the iconic Small Business Saturday bus tour will be travelling across the UK, calling at 27 different towns and cities over the course of 5 weeks.

Beginning in iconic Blackpool on Monday 4th November, the bus tour travels up and down the country this year finishing in London (Brixton) on Wednesday 4th December.

Calling into Newbury Market Place on 27th November from 10am – 2pm the bus provides a mentoring programme, which sessions are free for all small businesses (booking required at as well as promoting the idea to make a big difference when shopping local.

SmallBizSatUK on Twitter

On Wednesday 27th November the Small Business Saturday bus tour will be in #Newbury. If you live locally, come along and see us. Make sure you pre-book any mentoring sessions! Find out where else we’re visiting on the website #SmallBizSatUK