Thursday, February 13, 2025
Community UpdateCoronavirusFamilySlider

Pop-up art “Joining people together”

A pop-up community art installation is brightening up the scene in Lower Way. Painted cardboard cutouts of local residents and pets adorn the railings, spreading hope, encouragement and messages of thanks to key workers during the Coronavirus lockdown.

“we are in this together, and we can fight it together”

The idea started when Karen De Monte found an old cardboard box in her garage, and her daughter Lindsay (10), and husband Phil drew round each other and created the first ‘people’. 

I just imagined a whole line of people, all bright and happy, feeling very positive…. When I placed it on the fence, I shared it on my own Facebook page, and had a few friends say they loved it, and could they join on. Within a day, it became really popular, So I felt I should open it up to anyone who wanted to join in.  – Karen De Monte

The resulting Facebook group “Joining Together” now has well over a thousand members, and another such installation has started outside the Winchcombe Place Nursing Home.

The community were incredible, and within no time, these wonderful creations were popping up all along the once, boring metal railings. It’s so lovely to see the joy and happiness each day as people walk, drive or cycle past…. pure happiness.  – Karen De Monte

A gentle reminder…

Karen has been careful to remind people to only display their art whilst carrying out their one form of daily exercise, and to maintain social distancing and avoid unnecessary journeys.

A GoFundMe page has been launched, to raise money for the NHS and other charities