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Nominate your local heroes for a Newbury Civic Award

Do you know a local hero? The Newbury Town Civic Awards have been launched for 2021. Nomination forms are available for completion online or to print off from the Newbury Town Council website or follow this link Newbury Town Council | Civic Awards.

The Awards celebrate achievements, honour volunteers and recognise those who make a difference in our community. This year, Newbury Town Council have launched a brand-new category of Community Champions Awards to honour those who have given back to the community and their actions have been in direct response to the Covid 19 pandemic.

The categories are as follows:

  • Newbury Civic Award 2021
  • Newbury Town business Civic Award 2021
  • Newbury young persons Civic Award 2021
  • Newbury town environmental contribution Civic Award 2021
  • Newbury town community champions Awards

The Mayor of Newbury, Cllr Elizabeth O’Keeffe, said, “I doubt we will ever know the names of all those who have contributed to the wellbeing of our community since the pandemic began. We did not wish for their amazing efforts to pass unrecognised which is why we established our Community Champions Awards.

Given the enormity of this effort across the area, we have established this special award and have included those in the wider surroundings of Newbury to be nominated. On behalf of the Town, local authorities, providers and recipients we give our heartfelt thanks”.

The four other awards highlight the huge amount of voluntary work carried out in our community in many ways by so many local individuals.  Quite often shopping, collecting prescriptions and cutting the grass for an elderly neighbour is overlooked; however, this is just as important to our community as running a youth or support group, supporting local climate change, fundraising for a charity or being a Governor of a School. There is a great deal of volunteering carried out in the Town and the Civic Awards focus on how our community benefits.

Cllr O’Keeffe expressed her delight at launching all five Awards: the Newbury Town Civic Award, the Young Persons Civic Award, the Newbury Town Business Civic Award, the Newbury Town Environmental Contribution Civic Award, and now the special one-off Community Champions Awards for 2021.

Nomination forms for all four Civic Awards are available from the Newbury Town Council website where the forms may be completed electronically or downloaded.  Paper copies of the forms are also available to be posted out upon request.

The closing date for nominations to be received is Sunday 28th February 2021 with a virtual awards presentation taking place on Wednesday 17th March 2021. For further information, contact Elisa Adams, Civic Manager,  [email protected],.uk  01635 780203, or The Mayor of Newbury Cllr Elizabeth O’Keeffe [email protected] .