Saturday, February 15, 2025

Kennet Radio stars give loads of dosh to charity

Kennet Radio star presenters have handed over a cheque for £700 to local good causes Hope, Strength & Courage and Bridge For Young People.

Our photo above shows G&T (Graham and Tony) plus Peter Harris presenting the cheque to Karen De Monte of Hope, Strength & Courage and Tracy Underwood, CEO of Bridge For Young People. Chris “Disco Inferno” Pearce was having his hair done when the picture was taken.

The cheque represents the proceeds from the highly successful Retro Jukebox Live event held at the Royal British Legion, Newbury on June 29th. G&T, Peter and Chris organised and hosted the event, which was sold out.

The team also presented a cheque for £200 to Kennet Radio, which was gladly accepted by Kennet Radio’s Jade (below):