Thursday, February 13, 2025
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First West Berkshire “Warm Hub” opens its doors

St Nicolas church hall Warm Hub opened for the first of its regular Thursday afternoon sessions in Newbury today today.

A recent meeting of local organisations identified the need for a network of “warm hubs” across the area, to respond to the cost of living crisis. Many local charities have noticed that an increasing number of people and families are having trouble paying for energy and food bills. 

Our photo shows three of the volunteer helpers at today’s session, which led on from the regular St Nicolas hall coffee morning.

The “Warm Hub” runs from 12:30 to 4:30pm every Thursday and offers a range of FREE hot snacks, cakes and biscuits as well as hot and cold drinks. There are newspapers and magazines to read, a book swap table and games to play. 

St Nicolas church warden Rick Coward has led the set-up of the Warm Hub in just a few weeks. He said:

“As with a number of other churches in Newbury, St. Nicolas church is opening up a warm hub in response to the cost-of-living crisis…Our aim is to provide a warm and welcoming space together with refreshments for the whole afternoon. Our hope is to provide for all ages and to build up some level of activities over time as we discover what those coming along want. We are looking to run this through until the weather gets warmer next spring as a service to our community. We anticipate that this will  perhaps work for people who are living in the centre of Newbury or perhaps come into town and are looking for a warm, safe refuge.”

Many members of the St Nicolas congregation have volunteered to help at the events. Rick commented:

“We have been delighted with the numbers that have come forward from within St Nicolas church who, in volunteering, want to show a practical outworking of their faith.”