Thursday, February 13, 2025

It’s a Shaw House Thing

Thu, 16 November 2017 @ 7:30 pm
Shaw House
Church Rd
Newbury RG14
Shaw House
01635 279279
It's a Shaw House Thing @ Shaw House | England | United Kingdom

It’s A Shaw House Thing
Thursday 16th and Friday 17th November 2017, Doors 7.30pm, Performance 8pm
Shaw House
Tickets: Adults £10, under 16s £5

 Scenes from the history of our most famous local address

Many local people will be aware of some of Shaw House’s past; its part in the Civil War, its use to billet soldiers in World War II and then as a school. But there has never been an attempt to record that history theatrically.  Now a cast of actors from Newbury Dramatic Society perform vignettes illustrating the history of the House, with a specially commissioned script written by Ann Davidson.

About the Newbury Dramatic Society
Newbury Dramatic Society is the oldest established amateur theatre group in the Newbury area. They have a dynamic and diverse membership and stage a variety of shows each year, held in interesting or unusual local venues. They have a strong partnership with the Watermill Theatres, scene of our most recent production of Maskerade in May 2017.

Tickets available from Shaw House 01635 279279 or online at where you can select the date and adult/child ticket options.

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