Thursday, February 13, 2025

Election ’23 launch statement – Labour party

The Labour Party has thrown its hat in the West Berkshire Council elections ring.

Labour is standing 14 candidates in 11 wards across the district.

This follows Newbury Labour’s attendance at Sir Keir Starmer’s local elections launch in Swindon last Thursday.

Charles Croal said:

“The reaction we get on the doorsteps is very positive,” he said.

“In the past there were were number of area forums.  We would like to see a  return to meaningful devolution so that things are more put out to the communities for discussion.”

He said Labour was also concerned about the level of services put out to tender. 

“We want to make sure the residents get the services they deserve so we will be looking at the highways and waste contracts  to see if we are getting good value for money.  

“State of the roads is terrible – all those pot holes.”  

Liz Bell, a former diplomat with the British Council in Moscow, said

“I arrived out there at the end of Yeltsin’s reign but have not been back there for the last 10 years,” she explained. “I am too  anti-Putin online – so I won’t be going back!” 

She wants more emphasis put on helping with the cost-of-living crisis, and to protect Linear Park as a green community space.

Newbury Labour secretary Mathew Willis said candidates had seen a really positive response on the doorstep.

“The Newbury Labour Party is committed to building a fairer society, where everyone has access to the opportunities and resources they need to thrive,” he said.

“In a Labour council, we would defend and preserve our precious green spaces from inappropriate industrial construction or expansion.

“West Berkshire Council is out of touch with local people and lost control of its spending, as can be seen by the £750,000 overspend on the Lido and the planned wasted £10-15m on their vanity project the Sports Hub at Monks Lane. This money could be spent on much more worthwhile project including a range of new sports pitches.”