Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Burghclere Mini-Railway steams ahead

It was full steam ahead this Sunday 13th March for Burghclere Miniature Railway. Hundreds of excited families and adults crowded the sports ground at Harts Lane, Burghclere, for its first official public running day of 2022.

Steam and diesel engines ran continuous services around the sports ground between 11am and 3pm and there was also a barbecue, cake stall, and bar facilities. All profits from the day are being donated to the British Red Cross for the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

Rob Moss, Chairman of the Railway, says:

“I’m delighted to say that thanks to everyone’s generosity and hard work we will be able to donate £1200 to the Ukrainian appeal. It was a huge team effort through of all the Burghclere Mini-Railway volunteers. We are humbled by the support and generosity of our passengers, and extremely grateful for all the work undertaken by the drivers, guards and volunteers.  Special mention should be made for all the catering team who kept our guests fed and watered throughout the day. We hope that our efforts and your money will go a small way to help alleviate someone’s suffering in this awful crisis.”

The next running day for the railway is the 10th April, followed by an Easter Egg Hunt on 17th April. To find out more, check out their Facebook page here. 

Below and main picture: Families enjoy the day. Photos by J W Harper