Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A close shave for a great local cause

The time was midday, the place was George Frederick’s in Thatcham, the event was Malcolm’s Lockdown Brave the Shave.

Around midday on Tuesday (11th August) around a dozen or so well-wishers gathered to witness local tennis player and classic car enthusiast, Malcolm Hannington have his lucious, lockdown locks shaved for charity.

Wearing a shirt that he had customised with his late wife’s name and photograph as well as the local cancer support group that he was raising funds for, Malcolm calmly walked to the waiting barbers chair.

Local barber, George Frederick was on hand to begin the shave, which started with Malcolm’s locks being shorn with an electric razor. Once George had started on the sides, there was no going back for Malcolm.

Very soon Malcolm was shorn, then it was time for the shaving foam to be applied in preparation of the cut throat razor being used. The watching crowd (outside the door) held their collective breath as George expertly wielded the razor across Malcolm’s ever balding head.

Then it was time for a cooling towel and Malcolm’s transformation was complete.

Malcolm left the shop to a large cheer from the gathering outside, then after a short speech went about trying on different wigs.

First the ginger wig

Then the black curly one

Malcolm finally settled for the Rod Stewart one as his late wife Josie was a massive fan of his, I am sure that you will agree that “He wears it well!”

At the time of the shave, the charity funds had already reached well over £700.00, with the money going to Thatcham Cancer Support Group, who usually meet at the Parish Hall in Thatcham every Thursday 10.30 – 12.00 noon.

The support group is open to anyone who is going through cancer treatment or is supporting someone who is. The group are keen to express that there is no pressure to talk or join in a group chat, the group is there for people to simply come along to for the support and company.

For further details on how to get involved you can contact:

Aileen – 07702 289473 or Jane – 07887 525058