Wednesday, March 26, 2025

West Berkshire sees increases in child truancy, school exclusions, use of drugs and antisocial behaviour

Startling figures revealed by the youth justice team in West Berkshire show dramatic increases in truancy, school exclusions, use of drugs and antisocial behaviour.

But the number of children entering the youth justice system has dropped. But girls offending is now on a par with the boys.

Violence is the biggest reason for both boys and girls youth offending, although the service reports this has lessened compared to last year. During 2023-24 there were three children who committed four offences of robbery and drugs supply. All children received a community order. During this period there were seven children with seven knife possession/offensive weapon in a public place.

Statistics shown in the Youth Justice Plan for next year show truancy increased from 37 per cent to 68 per cent.

Use of drugs went up from 29 to 38 per cent. Sixty-six of those young people in the system reported parental abuse, compared to 54 per cent the previous year.