Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Wassail and Pruning Events with Growing Newbury Green

The fourth annual Wassail and orchard prune is on Saturday 11 January  at City Rec orchard off the Andover Rd RG14 6LR at 10am.

Traditionally a Wassail involves shouting and banging pots to drive away evil orchard spirits, hanging toast on branches and pouring cider on trees to encourage a good harvest in the coming year. Usually performed on 12th Night, Growing Newbury Green are doing theirs a little bit later.

Things to take with you: a pot/saucepan and something to hit it with; Cider; Toast.

Following the Wassail, the group will also be doing our annual prune of the orchard, so this is a great way of joining in and finding out about tree care. No experience necessary. If you have an apple tree at home and you’re not sure how to treat it, this is the day for you as they will be giving hints and tips on how to get the best from the trees. Please wear decent footwear if it’s damp and ideally bring a pair of secateurs. Other equipment will be provided.

Growing Newbury Green have planted six community orchards across Newbury to provide free fruit to anyone living locally and walking in the parks as well as reintroduce old Berkshire-bred varieties of apples.

Other 2025 pruning events are:
Saturday 15 February – Barn Crescent orchard, south Newbury RG14 6HD at 10am
Saturday 16 March – Digby Road orchard, north Newbury RG14 1TW at 10am

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