Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Roadworks in East Newbury due to work on the former Sterling Cables site

This is a media release from West Berkshire Council today:

If you are travelling into Newbury, please note parts of Kings Road, Hambridge Road and Boundary Road will be undergoing modification work from week commencing 23 January 2023 for 12 weeks.

The works are being undertaken by Cognition Land and Water Limited to carry out highway and drainage improvements associated with the development of the adjacent former Sterling Cables site. It is proposed that the modifications to Kings Road and Boundary Road adjacent to the development will be undertaken until the end of April. However, the dates are flexible and could change depending on the progression of the different phases of work.

The roadworks will be phased so that Kings Road and Hambridge Road will remain open at all times with the use of multi-way temporary traffic lights. There will be an exception of some evening road closures needed when the final carriageway surface will be required to be laid in a single operation in the final phase in April.

The planned phases are:

  • Phase 1 – Kings Road South/Boundary Road (adjacent to development), including a temporary closure of Boundary Road (south) for southbound traffic

  • Phase 2 – Kings Road South/Boundary Road (adjacent to development), including a temporary closure of Boundary Road (south) for southbound traffic

  • Phase 3 – Kings Road (north east quadrant)

  • Phase 4 – Kings Road (north)

  • Phase 5 – Full night time road closure for the final carriageway re-surfacing
  • Parking bays within the site will also be suspended for the duration of the works

While the works are planned to enable the flow of traffic, it is advised that alternative routes are sought as it is inevitable there will be some disruption to journeys. There will be sufficient signage on display as far back as possible to inform drivers of the diversions. Please follow the diversion signs and use the A4 and the A339 during this time. The parking bays on the north side of Kings Road are currently planned for suspension from midJanuary.

Cllr Richard Somner, Executive Member for Planning, Transport and Countryside at West Berkshire Council, said: “These works are essential to the completion of the development at the former Sterling Cables site and we acknowledge this will cause disruption for an extended period of time but we will do everything possible to minimise inconvenience to all.

“We have worked closely with Cognition Land and Water Limited so that roads stay open to allow traffic to flow, unlike the full road closures that took place last summer, to ensure the works are completed in a timely manner. I have asked officers to remain in close contact with the contractors throughout the work and to monitor the effect on traffic across Newbury.

“Residents and businesses directly affected will start to receive additional information from Cognition Land and Water Limited through their doors to explain the different phases of work and maps of the temporary traffic lights.

“In advance we want to thank residents, businesses and commuters for your patience throughout the works but please do allow extra time for your journey.”

Updates and additional information on the scheduled roadworks can be found here: https://one.network/?GB132287444.