Sunday, March 9, 2025

Newbury Talks 15th July – How Corrupt is Britain?

The next Newbury Talk promises to be a must see event, from Prof David Whyte, Liverpool University, talking on Corruption: How Bad is the UK? This promises to be quite a thriller! 
Professor Whyte has published extensively on banks accused of rate-fixing; MPs cooking the books; major defence contractors investigated over suspect arms deals; police accused of being paid off by tabloids; The headlines are familiar but Prof Whyte asks – just exactly how corrupt is Britain? The answers are not reassuring. 
David is Professor of Socio-legal studies at the University of Liverpool and writes extensively on the connection between law and corporate power. 
This talk will focus on his research into the corruption that, after years of study, he sees as embedded in UK politics, police and finance. 
Thank you to everyone who comes along to Newbury Talks. Recent talks have been fantastically well attended. You may want to arrive early for David Whyte! 
The talk is on Sunday 15th July, 3pm, Balcony Bar, Corn Exchange, Newbury.  Unticketed and free, as always. Tea, coffee, lager, snacks etc are available at the Corn Exchange bar.