Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Have your say on the Draft Economic Development Strategy for the district

West Berkshire Council is asking residents and businesses to give their views on a new Economic Development Strategy (2019-2036) for the district.

The draft strategy takes a long term view of the district’s economic needs and looks at how the council and its partners might meet the challenges likely to emerge in the coming years.

It comes in response to the West Berkshire 2036 Vision, published earlier this year, and the Government’s Industrial Strategy, which set out what needs to be done to boost productivity and ensure that everybody has the opportunity to benefit from the region’s economic success. It will also contribute to the delivery of important priorities for West Berkshire Council including support for businesses, the development of local infrastructure and growth of the local economy.

The draft strategy focusses on the following four major areas to encourage this at district level: the people, places, infrastructure and business environment needed to help the district thrive.

Once adopted, the strategy will be implemented through the council’s newly established Economic Development Board by the Economic Development and Infrastructure Team.

Residents are encouraged to have their say on the strategy via the consultation before it ends on Wednesday 31 July 2019.