Tuesday, April 1, 2025

First vaccinations take place at the Racecourse

The roll-out of the Coronavirus vaccine has started in the Newbury and Thatcham area this week with the opening of the vaccination centre at Newbury Racecourse. The first vaccinations took place on Wednesday.

This vaccination centre is being jointly operated by the Primary Care GP networks from across this part of West Berkshire. The highest priority groups are being vaccinated first, starting with the over-80s.

The vaccination programme is a massive logistical exercise, so there are bound to be hiccups along the way. Please be patient and tolerant of those who are working to deliver the vaccine to as many people as possible in priority order.

Please don’t go to the racecourse vaccination centre uninvited and please do not phone your GP surgery to ask when you’ll be getting a vaccination. They will contact you when your turn comes.

If you have any concerns or if you need any help please call the NHS on 111 for advice.