Wednesday, February 5, 2025
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Do you know of a local charity or organisation that could benefit from a grant?

If you are involved with an organisation or charity that benefits the residents of Newbury, don’t miss your chance to apply for grant funding from Newbury Town Council for a special project or core costs. 

To apply you must register with The Good Exchange and complete the grant application process by 13 June 2021.  All applications for funding that are on the Good Exchange website by this date and posted since 17 January 2021 will be considered if they fulfil the council’s criteria.  The Council’s criteria for grant funding can be found on their website at

In 2020 Newbury Town Council gave grants totalling £24,500 to a wide range of voluntary bodies and local charities, including Newbury Friends of the Earth, Eight Bells for mental Health, Fair Close centre, the Nightingales Community Youth Project, Berkshire Women’s Aid, Home-Start West Berkshire, Newbury and West Berkshire Speakability, West Berkshire Dementia Alliance, Sport in Mind, and Time to Talk West Berkshire.

The Grants Sub-Committee of Newbury Town Council will meet on 23rd June 2021 to consider the applications.

The total grant fund available is £24,500 and The Good Exchange has kindly agreed to match fund all the grants, making the total available £49,000.