Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Dan Snow ‘The History Man’ comes to Newbury

On Wednesday 13 June, historian, broadcaster and presenter Dan Snow will take to the Corn Exchange stage for an evening of entertaining anecdotes and fascinating facts about Newbury’s local history in Dan Snow: An Evening with the History Guy.

On his first UK theatre tour Dan will share memorable anecdotes from his career and reveal Newbury’s rich past supported by compelling digital images. The evening concludes with a Q&A, giving audience members the opportunity to ask Dan their own questions.

Since graduating from Oxford University, Dan has presented several history programmes, including  Armada, GrandCanyon, Vikings and BAFTAwinning series Battlefield Britain, on which he worked with his father, broadcaster Peter Snow. Dan has a regular history slot on BBC’s The One Show.  

Having written several books including Death or Victory, The World’s Greatest Twentieth Century Battlefields, and, most recently, The Battle of Waterloo Experience, Dan has also found success with his podcast, Dan Snow’s History Hit.

Head to the Corn Exchange for an evening with ‘The History Guy’ on Wednesday 13 June, 7.45pm.