Monday, March 31, 2025

Coronavirus mobile testing site to run in Thatcham this week

West Berkshire Council has today announced that a Coronavirus mobile testing site will be running from the Henwick Worthy Sports Ground in Thatcham for up to three days this week – starting tomorrow, Friday 8 May.

This is in addition to other local and regional Coronavirus testing sites which are also available across the Thames Valley area.

No ‘Drop-In’ Tests

Anyone who is eligible and wishes to be tested at the Henwick Worthy mobile site must arrange an appointment on the national booking website first.

Tests are not available on a ‘drop-in’ basis.

You can also book a test at a different site via the national website.

Who Can Get a Test?

Only certain categories of people are eligible for testing at this time, such as NHS or other essential workers (and some household members), or people over 65 with symptoms. More details of these categories are listed below.

People being tested must bring appropriate ID (like an NHS ID card) or a letter/email from their employer to confirm their key worker status. They should approach the sports ground site as normal, and follow the signs into and out of the testing area, which will be operated by military personnel.

Councillor Rick Jones, Executive Member for Public Health and Community Wellbeing at West Berkshire Council, said: “We welcome the news that a mobile site will be operating in Thatcham for a few days and we urge anyone who falls into the categories given below to book a slot to be tested.

We want to assure residents not be alarmed by the presence of the military at the site who are assisting in carrying out the testing.  Residents won’t be able to turn up and expect a test.  Booking is mandatory and can be done via the national booking website.”

Tests are being offered to the following categories of people, and, in some cases, members of their household.

They are not available for other members of the general public at this time:

  • All essential workers including NHS and social care workers with symptoms (see the full list of essential workers)
  • Anyone over 65 with symptoms
  • Anyone with symptoms whose work cannot be done from home (for example, construction workers, shop workers, emergency plumbers and delivery drivers)
  • Anyone who has symptoms of coronavirus and lives with any of those identified above
  • Social care workers and residents in care homes (with or without symptoms)
  • NHS workers and patients without symptoms, in line with NHS England guidance.

This means anyone in one of these groups can find out whether they have the virus.  Testing is most effective within 3 days of symptoms developing.

You can find more details about eligibility for testing here: