Saturday, March 15, 2025

Car parking free at West Berkshire Council-operated car parks

With immediate effect parking charges have been suspended at all off-street car parks across West Berkshire until further notice. 

Charges have also been suspended at WBC on-street parking bays.  This initiative will help support key workers needing to use their cars during this intense period of disruption due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Signs are being erected to this effect at the entrances to those car parks that will remain open.  However there won’t be any signs at on-street parking bays due to the number and spread of locations involved.  

Where appropriate, information on timings and emergency contact details for enquiries is provided on equipment within the car parks. 

The Kennet Centre car park will only be open 7am to 7pm, restricted to the ground floor only and will be unattended.  The lifts will also be out of use.

Northbrook Street car park has been closed until further notice.

Car parks within the Wharf area have had their barriers lifted for unrestricted access.       

Season tickets holders will have their expiry period extended by two months, which will hopefully be suitable given the current circumstances.  If this is not suitable for some ticket holders, advice regarding refunds will be made available on the WBC website in due course.

The Council emphasised the need for all road users to still help to ensure the roads are kept clear for all traffic, including emergency services, and that double yellow lines and disabled parking bays are respected.  

For further information on West Berkshire’s response to the coronavirus situation for businesses and residents, visit: